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Quipu at The Hive

July 18, 2023

I’m rather late in posting this. On 10th June, Mo Kiziewicz gathered a group of ten writers and artists for a second day of art and poetry in The Hive at Peasedown*. (The first one is dicussed here.) We took Cecilia Vicuna’s Brain Forest as our inspiration, playing with knots, experimenting with found materials, sound and language, making ‘precarious art’. A collaborative installation grew in the art room. We read our poems to it, in the midst of it. We photographed and dismantled it. In Vicuna’s words, “We have to work together for our survival … and most of all because it is fun”. It was! We went home with more hope, a new way of looking at discarded materials, and a fresh confidence in our capacity to make something together. Thank you Mo, and all who were there.
*It’s worth following the link. There’s a lovely quotation from Roald Dahl’s autobiography.

Here are some of June’s photos. Those are her ‘land ships’ in the second image. In the third, Janet is writing with wool.

And some of Mo’s photos.

The photo above is Marilyn’s. I took the ones below.


a rusty hinge
snail shells
raspberry shoots

names are dropping away
why are we so tied
to those memories

you’re unravelling
a big worry knot
the cost of a dandelion

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