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The Astragalomancer’s Tale

June 10, 2024

The Astragalomancer’s Tale

two throws of the dice
a four and a three
then a six and a one
wouldn’t that be enough
to convince most people

he wasn’t most people
he insisted on another cast
but what were we to make
of a double six

we argued into the small hours
agreed to sleep on it

we woke to thunder
we told our dreams
he spoke of a crow
that flew across his path
from left to right
I spoke of a fox
caught in the iron jaws
of a trap

I shouldered my pack
and walked out
into the dripping forest
I soon freed the fox
she licked her wound
she licked my hand
and limped to the river
drank deeply

never again
will I bind my future
to another man’s dream

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